A Soofdoodle puppy
A Soofdoodle puppy is:
Dewormed according to schedule
Vaccinated at 6 weeks
Chipped and has a European Pet Passport.
Started bench and running training
Started potty training
In possession of pedigree.(which you will receive after proof of castration/sterilization before the age of 18 months)
Started 1st phase of habituation and socialization with sounds in and around the house.(other dogs, visitors, children, vacuum cleaner, etc.)
In addition to your puppy, what else do you get:
Proplan puppy package
Coat care package
Booklet "Help, I'm getting a puppy"
One month of free insurance
A dog's life "Helpdesk"
Overview of working method
An introduction: It all starts with an introduction. You can contact us via the contact form to express your interest or ask a question. We will respond as soon as possible to discuss further details.
Information exchange: We will ask you to provide some basic information such as your name, contact details and background information about yourself and your family. This allows us to get a better picture of you and your situation.
Reservation: If you decide to proceed with registering for a puppy, we will ask you to pay a reservation fee. This amount guarantees a place on the waiting list for a puppy.
Waiting list: Once your reservation has been received, we will add you to the waiting list. We will keep you informed of the progress and any developments, such as the availability of new litters.
Choice of puppy/litter: When puppies are available, we will contact you to give you the opportunity to choose whether you want to go for this litter. This is usually done based on the order on the waiting list. We will inform you about the gender, color and other relevant details of the puppies. Once chosen, you will receive a weekly update and photos of mom and her puppies.
Getting to know the puppy: After choosing which litter you want to go for, you will be invited to participate in the cuddle day. This provides the opportunity to meet the puppies and mom, cuddle them and ask us questions.
Purchase: If you decide to purchase the puppy after the introduction, a purchase agreement will be drawn up and signed. This sets out the terms and conditions of sale and guarantees.
Pick up the puppy: Once the puppy is old enough to leave the nest, you can pick him/her up on a pre-arranged date. We will provide you with useful information and advice about the care and education of your new puppy.
This is briefly the procedure for registering for a Soofdoodle puppy. If you have any other questions or would like more detailed information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help you!